Illumination Village 2006

Join our Yahoo group list to stay informed!!!

The Illumination Village Yahoo List

Our confirmed playa address is Esplanade and 4:00~4:15

Version 2.1 of the Ill Vill 2006 Map: PDF
This version is close to final, be sure to download and review
if you've requested village placement.

If you want to request placement,
we need your camping fees of $50/camper.

Camping with Illumination Village in 2006?
Here's the skinny on what you need to know.

Need plans to build a cardboard house? PDF
Here are plans for building your own 8x8
cardboard home on the little playa.

To see cardboard box houses in action/on playa
check out Cooper's gallery from 2005:
The Box Lounge 2005

Illumination Village 2007 Home Page

The Illumination Village 1992-2001 Archives


The Illumination Village will be on the playa in 2006, as active as ever, with even more fire, more art, and more old school mayhem, chaos and turmoil.

In 2006 Illumination Village turns 12 years old, a dusty, dirty dozen. That's 84 in dog years, but to you and me, that's just about the age where we can start raising a ruckus.

Don't miss out on the 411. We're planning, and plotting. If you want to be a part of the best damn village on the playa, then stay tuned...