Contact: Charles A. Gadeken






Artist, Charles A. Gadeken, and his collective called The IlluminationProject will create a 6' by 300' interactive mural at the San Jose AmericaFestival located at Discovery Meadow in Downtown San Jose on July 3rd from5p.m. to 11p.m. and July 4th from 11a.m. to 11p.m.

Charles has been a fine artist in the Bay Area for 11 years, and washighlighted in the San Francisco Fine Art Dealers Association, Introductions93. As an up and coming artist in Northern California his work has beenfeatured at Ebert Gallery, Union Square, San Francisco and many other fineart galleries throughout the area.

The interactive mural, entitled "10,000 Hands of American Music"will be 6' tall by 300' long, double sided on loose canvas, painted inbright, whimsical colors with musical notes, instruments, suns and starsdancing the length of the painting. The participants at the festival willbe encouraged to apply paint to their hands in order to create thousandsof colorful hand prints. Participants will also be given a sponge printto add to the mural and to personalize their hand print art.

The goal of this project is to encourage 10,000 + people to come togetherand celebrate Independence Day and American Music in a unique way, andto have a tangible final product for all to enjoy. The project will allowparticipants to remember their childhood uninhibited relationship withart by using finger-paint and block printing. It also allows people tobecome active players in the art experience instead of passive viewers.

The mural will be available for participants at the America Festivalto paint on July 3rd from 5p.m. to 11p.m. and July 4th from 11a.m. to 3p.m.The mural will then be displayed aloft for all to enjoy for the remainderof the festival. The mural will maintain the "hands on" experiencewhen all of the artists see the final outcome, locate their art work andwalk the length of the painting. This is not a fragile work of art andeveryone may wrap themselves in the canvas and feel the texture of thepaint. Being loose canvas, it will blow in the breeze, creating an ever-changingform.

This mural will later be joining several other similar canvases to createa monumental work of art, and will be displayed on the Haulapai Playa inthe Black Rock Desert, Nevada on Labor Day weekend.

Please come join Charles and the Illumination Project crew for a dayof artistic celebration.

For more information contact The Illumination Project, P.O.Box 872 BenLomond, CA 95005 Telephone (408)336-5407: Fax (408) 423-5696: e-mail
