Illumination Project #7 "Old #7"
8ft x 12ft x 18ft Room, double sided painting / sculpture- canvas and steel.
Crucible Steel Gallery San Francisco, Ca.
Black Rock Desert NV. Aug. 28th - Sep. 3rd, 1998
With over 200 yards of canvas shaped into a small room, you were able to find a place to leave your mark on the floor, ceiling or walls!
This painting was an event.
Over 40 framed photographs were donated by participants of six previous Illumination Project installations.
Every participant was provided with paint and a variety of tools to add their vision to Old #7.
In addition to the photo exhibit, computer slide show and interactive painting- other works by various members of the project were presented throughout the evening.
Every attendee received half of a limited edition Serigraph and their own baggy full of shredded bits of the missing half.
Attendees also recieved charred remnants of earlier works.
This painting moved on to the Nevada desert where it become a free standing room of color on the limitless playa.
There the wind would inflate and deflate the canvas lifting it inside out and up 28ft in the air.
The canvas was enveloping - a painting you could enter into.
Inside it you were cradled in color and canvas.
This piece was set on fire Friday night.