Vital Information
Name: Meico.
Email: See the site contact information.
Location: Santa Cruz, California, USA
Birthdate: 1971 February 27th.
Current Job: Lead Game Programmer
Other Information
Chocolate, Motorcycles, Kinky Sex, Techno/Ambient/Industrial Music, Extremely Fantastic Art, Math, Physics.
Ignorance, Shallowness, Dishonesty, Blood Sucking Insects,
Oppressive governments,
that high pitch tone from bad TVs, Technical Innovation when
without Gameplay Innovation(ie. Quake 1-3), having to outclick
an opponent in a RTS instead of out thinking them.
Dance, Martial Arts, Pyrotechnics, Sculpture(Casting, Welding), Drawing, Performance Art.
Favorite Games:
Twister, Go, Chess, Cyberpunk, It Came From The Late Late
Show, Risk, Axis and Allies, Tail Gunner, Galaga, Tempest,
Marble-Madness, Sinistar, Star-Trek, Time-Crisis,
HydroThunder, Zork I-III, Karateka, Taipan, Lemmings,
Warcraft, Duke Nukem, Myst, Half Life, Resident Evil,
Goldeneye, Aero Fighters, Bio-Freaks, Soul-Kalibur,
Favorite Quotes:
"Grab a kleenex for this one, cuz there's no god and your
idiotic human ideals are laughable! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha heh!"
- Bender
"The good-enough is the enemy of the
- John Miles
"The Net percieves
censorship as damage and routes around it."
- John Gilmore
Oh yes, much more...
All Entries ( by Meico.