UberGame Articles : Here's the deal( voting to death )...

'lo all..

here's the deal...

Today I'm going to gripe about lamers.. "Why?" you ask.. because they've been bugging me lately..

So.. lets set this up for you so you all know where I'm coming from.. I play TFC on 2 servers.. Tech's Revenge TFC or Kali Hunted.. these servers are the 2 best in my opinion.. I always am challenged by the opponents there.. sometimes I outwit them.. sometimes I outfight them.. then again.. sometimes (more often than I like) I get spanked like a little bitch.. but that's what keeps me coming back..

Welp.. I've done some really boneheaded things with my hardware lately (round X-mas '99) and have just recently started playing Multiplayer games again.. (I went on MOO frenzy for a while).. upon arriving home on Tech's Revenge (the best TFC server out there).. I noticed an unusually high number of lamers.. you know them.. they stay in your respawn and infect you.. or they know you're a spy and shoot your armor off.. or just run around without a clue shooting everyone (which is usually their teammates as they never get further than the respawn area).. this thing pisses me off.. and others too.. people bitch and whine.. and get no response.. either because the person responsible hasn't a clue how to talk back.. or just because they're an assh0le.

What to do??

Welp.. I was on a Tribes kick a long while back.. and they had this nifty concept.. "voting".. now I've seen map voting in TFC but never kick voting.. why?? No one has written anything to do it?? Whatever.. I know I don't get around on all the servers that much.. but I occasionally stray.. and still haven't seen it.. O well.. it doesn't matter that much.. cuz there's prolly a script or mod or whathaveyou that does it.. and it probably works as well as it did in Tribes.. Here's the example..

I'm playing and some a-hole on my team keeps shooting me.. so I call a vote to get him kicked.. everyone on the other team who takes the time to vote votes "no" just to spite us and increase their 40 point lead.. Or not enough members on our team have the opportunity to vote cuz they're in a firefight (which I understand).. or.. (this one's the real pisser) no one on your team votes.. because you are the only one on defense.. and they never had to deal with the: newbie, llama, lamer or whatever.. cuz they're never in the f*ckin base.. meanwhile he starts taking out your defenses (cuz team damage is a better way to play) and you're screwed..

Ok.. so we've narrowed down @sshole #1..

How bout # 2??

The guy who keeps switching to the winning team when he's outnumbered.. ok.. I'll admit that when it's 11-4 I'll switch (and hopefuly coax the others too just to piss off the other people so we can get some teammates back).. but when it's 8-7 and we're the 7 and trailing by 1 cap or whatever.. you don't need to switch to the winning team folks.. cuz then it's 9-6 and although we have more targets (good for Deathmatch).. it seriously hinders the ability to meet objectives (caps.. or destroying enemy equipment/defenses etc etc etc)..

Now.. although Tech's Revenge is indeed the bomb.. this sh!t still happens.. so a vote would be nice.. as most of the players are regulars with a sense of fair play.. and they'll shout even if they're on the winning team with extra people.. hell.. quite a few switch teams even.. causing an upset in the balance when the same 2 a-holes switch back.. Once again.. sometimes it's better to just kick people.. but admining a game server 24/7 is not any job worth a shit.. hell.. I'd close down a troubled server before I tried to get people with moral decency to use rcon.. it's a pain monitoring them even more than the regular game..

So.. we've seen a few of the test cases.. know what's up.. what it boils down to (this is for you developers out there) is..

Expect these problems.. and attempt.. just attempt to make some solution to them.. I have to give Dynamix (and the countless scores of Tribes modders who fixed up some really cool and almost great voting scripts), and the people responsible for QW Clan Arena props for their attempts..

Why should you make the attempt?? We are going to buy the game aren't we?? Well.. no.. I'm not.. I haven't picked up Q3 or UT and have no plans to.. Now of course this isn't the sole reason.. but it's a factor.. I like to call it the fun factor.. If I don't enjoy it (and I've played them both) why buy it?? Now I'm not saying Q3 and UT Suck.. They both look phoenominal and action is smooth (if you have the hardware).. but deathmatch is boring me.. I love the assault missions in UT.. but not enough to justify the $$..

ok enough for this rant.. q's and c's can be sent to me..


All Entries (year.month.day) by Scott Stoltenkamp.