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Vital Information
Name: Scott David Stoltenkamp( A.K.A. luvless).
WebPage: n/a (for the moment).
Location: Santa Cruz, California, USA, Earth, Sol, Miky Way, Known (etc etc etc).
Birthdate: 1975 November 11th.
Current Job: Software QA Lead
Other Information
Inventing/building stuff (read: Mindstorms).
Hardware Failures (read: Failed overclocking attempts),
Women that aren't with me cuz I'm too much like a brother or
other lame BS like that :P
Games.. hanging out.. futzing around on my computer (I do that a lot)
Favorite Games:
Favorite Arcade Games: Qix, Attax, Tetris, Forgotten
Worlds, R Type
Favorite Board Games: Axis and Allies
(Duh), Monopoly, Backgammon Favorite Computer Games:
M.U.L.E., QuakeWorld Capture The Flag, Team Fortress Classic,
Total Annihlation, Master Of Orion Favorite Console Games:
Phantasy Star Favorite Portable Games: Tetris(Gameboy)
Favorite Quotes:
"stuff??" -me o/ft/en
Favortie Font: Lucida Console baby!!
dunnno.. stuff??